Saturday, October 16, 2010

Snot and 3 faces

snot and 3 faces | A4 | mixed on paper | 2002 by Handry

1 comment:

  1. The Moon
    on a cat


    As a native Swede, I am particularly proud of my love poetry suite Sonnets for Katie.

    My Poems

    My wallpaper art Babes!

    Sexuality introduces Death to Being; and indeed Life simultaneously. This is the profound Myth of the Eden. The work of the Serpent. Bringing us out of "blessed" Standstill. So, in contrast to the mindless pietism of vulgar Christianity, my personal "Christo-Satanism" should be given serious thought by the Enlightened Few, the Pneumatics, the 1% Outlaws. The Light Bringer must be rehabilitated, beacause if not, the All of it simply doesn't make sense: true Catholicism is necessarily Meta Catholicism.
    Yu can NOT enter black hole. It's impossible. This follows immediately from general relativity theory. Proof: for an object moving (let's say along a straight line) towards a black hole (its event horizon), for any arbitrarily chosen distance it has laid behind itself, the remaining distanceis ifinnite. CHALLENGE! To all physicists,cosmologists and mathematicians of theworld: disprove THIS if you can. I think not. (Even Stephen Hawking failed to see the obvious!)

    My philosophy

    My poetry in French:


    My poetry in German:

    Fremde Gedichte

    And: reciprocity: for mutual benefit, you will do me a favor promoting your own blog on mine!


    - Peter Ingestad, Sweden
